Northstar Link Commuter Bus Announces Schedule Adjustments Effective October 6

ST. CLOUD (9/30/14) – Changes in the Northstar commuter rail schedule prompted adjustments in the 887 and 887F Northstar Link commuter bus northbound schedules. These time changes are effective October 6, 2014 and should have minimal impact on riders.

The change impacts select northbound runs that meet the Northstar commuter train. The bus departure time is delayed to accommodate the later arrival of the train.

Also starting October 6, Northstar Link 887 and 887F northbound routes will stop at the Metro Bus Transit Center prior to St. Cloud State University to better accommodate connections with Metro Bus route departures.

Stearns County Commissioner Leigh Lenzmeier, chair of the Northstar Corridor Development Authority, which sponsors the Link, says 2014 has been a good year so far for the bus service.

“Link ridership for 2014 through August is up 10.4 percent over last year,” Commissioner Lenzmeier said. “People, and commuters and students in particular, have really embraced the transit connection to the Northstar train.”

Link to 887 Schedule, Effective 10/6/14

Get A Round Trip Ride to the State Fair from St. Cloud and Becker

ST. CLOUD (8/19/14) – The Minnesota State Fair opens this week and Northstar can help you get there.

Ride Northstar Link Commuter Bus from St. Cloud and Becker to connect with Northstar Commuter Rail in Big Lake for service to Fridley Station. State Fair Express buses leave Fridley Station every 30 minutes.

Northstar Link will be honoring Metro Transit’s Northstar Roundtrip Family Pass, so families can ride with one fare. The Northstar Roundtrip Family Pass may be purchased online for $30 and is valid for two adults and up to three kids (ages 6-17) or seniors (age 65+). Those not using a family pass may purchase single fares for Northstar Link, Northstar Commuter Rail, and State Fair Express Parking. Two adults traveling together save $12 by using the Family Pass.

More information about the Family Pass may be found at:

It is important to note that there is no extra Northstar service planned for the State Fair. Northstar Link meets every train on weekdays and has limited service on weekends. Customers are encouraged to plan ahead and allow extra time for traveling between the State Fair and Fridley station. Plan to leave the fair at least one hour to 90 minutes before you expect to catch the train at Fridley Station.

Northstar does not operate on Labor Day.


Special Service to Vikings Home Games


ST. CLOUD – Northstar Commuter Rail and Northstar Link Commuter Bus will provide service for all Minnesota Vikings pre-season and regular season home games at TCF Bank Stadium.

To get to the game:

– Catch the Northstar Link Bus from St. Cloud or Becker to the Northstar train in Big Lake.
– Ride the train until the end of the line at Target Field Station, where you can make an easy – and FREE – transfer to a METRO Green Line train for service to TCF Bank Stadium.
– Travel time from St. Cloud to TCF Bank Stadium is just over two hours. This includes time for fare purchase and transfers. Using public transportation will get you to the game in time for some pre-game activities.

For the return trip:

– Ride a westbound METRO Green Line train to Target Field Station. Green line has frequent departures.
– A northbound Northstar Rail train will depart Target Field Station 90 minutes after game ends.
– The Northstar Link bus will meet the train in Big Lake and will serve all stops.

Separate fares are required for the Northstar Bus and the Northstar Train. The cost to ride Northstar Link between St. Cloud and Big Lake is $2. Between Becker and Big Lake is $1. Fares for Northstar train from Big Lake to Target Field station ranges between $5.25 on weekend and $6.00 for weekday. Roundtrip Family Passes are also available from Metro Transit for travel on Northstar train.

Information about Northstar Commuter Rail service for Vikings

887V schedule

Northstar Link Commuter Bus to Provide Extra Service for Paul McCartney Concert August 2#\

ST. CLOUD (7/18/14) – Northstar Commuter Rail and Northstar Link Commuter Bus will provide extra service for the Paul McCartney concert at Target Field on Saturday, Aug. 2.

The bus will depart St. Cloud Transit Center at 4:00 pm, serving SCSU Miller Center (4:10 pm), East St. Cloud Park & Ride Lot (4:20 pm) and Becker (4:40 pm), arriving in Big Lake to meet the train at 5:00 pm. The train departs Big Lake at 5:13 pm, serving Elk River (5:23 pm), Ramsey (5:28 pm), Anoka (5:34 pm) Coon Rapids (5:38 pm) and Fridley (5:46 pm), arriving at Target Field Station at 6:02 pm.

Northstar Link bus service from St. Cloud or Becker is timed to connect with Northstar trains at Big Lake Station. Northstar train will depart Target Field station 30 minutes after the end of the concert. Customers will be able to board the train to Big Lake and easily transfer to the connecting Northstar Link bus to complete the return trip to Becker or St. Cloud. Bus rides cost $2 one way and are paid for separately from the train ride.

All-Star Week Service



ST. CLOUD – Northstar Commuter Rail  and Northstar Link Commuter Bus will provide extra service for the Major League Baseball® All-Star Week™ festivities at Target Field on July 12-15.

Northstar Link bus service from St. Cloud or Becker is timed to connect with Northstar trains at Big Lake Station. After the game, at either 30 or 90 minutes after the end of the event (depending on the day), fans will be able to board the train to Big Lake and easily transfer to the connecting Northstar Link bus to complete the return trip to Becker or St. Cloud.  Bus rides cost $2 one way and are paid for separately from the train ride.

Northstar Link special service for Major League Baseball® All-Star Week™

Free Rides to Celebrate METRO Green Line

Northstar Link Commuter Bus to Celebrate Opening of  METRO Green Line with Free Rides on June 14 & 15

ST. CLOUD – Ride for free June 14 and 15 on Northstar Link Commuter Bus, Northstar Commuter Rail and Metro Transit buses in the Twin Cities. The free rides are part of opening weekend celebrations for the METRO Green Line Light Rail Transit.

With the opening of the Green Line LRT, people can make connections from Target Field to the University of Minnesota, the State Capitol and downtown St. Paul.

There will be nearly 500 trains each day at Target Field Station, with Green, Blue and Northstar lines combined, plus almost 2,000 bus connections nearby.

As the regional system grows, that’s good news for commuters, according to Stearns County Commissioner Leigh Lenzmeier, chair of the Northstar Corridor Development Authority.

“It’s getting easier to use transit, which, for a commuter, means less stress and more money in your pocket,” Commissioner Lenzmeier said.

In addition to Northstar Link’s regular weekend schedule June 14, an extra southbound trip will operate from St. Cloud to meet the extra Northstar train in Big Lake for the METRO Green Line opening ceremonies. An extra northbound bus is scheduled for the return trip.

Ribbon-cutting ceremonies are planned Saturday at the Union Depot and Target Field stations, with community celebrations at seven Green Line stations throughout the day.

The Green Line will not be operational prior to the Union Depot ribbon cutting at 10 a.m. Details of activities at Target Field Station and the rest of the Green Line are available at


Added service, new fares


ST. CLOUD (5/30/14) – Northstar Link commuter bus is adding service to meet all weekday Northstar Commuter Rail trains in Big Lake, starting June 2. Also, every Northstar Link bus trip will include stops at St. Cloud State University and the Metro Bus Transit Center in downtown St. Cloud, as well as the Link park and ride lots on Highway 10.

The changes were approved by the Northstar Corridor Development Authority in order to enhance service, according to Stearns County Commissioner Leigh Lenzmeier, chair of the NCDA.

“Every year since we opened in November 2009, we’ve seen tremendous ridership growth on the Link, and St. Cloud State has been one of the main ride generators,” Commissioner Lenzmeier said. “Adding two additional trips to Big Lake, with more frequent stops on the campus and downtown, will make it even easier to use transit.”

The new schedule will include meeting the earliest southbound train that arrives in downtown Minneapolis at 5:50 a.m.

A simplified fare structure for Northstar Link routes 887, 887T, 887V and special events also takes effect June 2. The new fare is $2 for travel between St. Cloud and Big Lake and $1 for travel between Becker and St. Cloud or Big Lake. A new $17 10-Ride pass and $70 31-Day pass is available.

Unaffected by this fare change is Route 887F, which provides Friday mid-day service between St. Cloud and Minneapolis serving all Northstar Stations, except Fridley. Route 887F remains $5.50 between St. Cloud and Minneapolis or $3.25 for station-to-station travel.

See new schedule

proposed new fares


ST. CLOUD – Northstar Link, a commuter bus service operated by Metro Bus on behalf of the Northstar Corridor Development Authority, is seeking public input on a proposed rate adjustment for the service.

“We are proposing to simplify fares by keeping them the same regardless of the time of day or direction of travel,” said Tom Cruikshank, Metro Bus Director of Planning and Marketing. “This would result in a fare equalization — reducing fares for some riders and slightly increasing for others.”

If approved, the fare change would take effect June 2. The public is invited to share feedback by May 16. Feedback may be shared via email, US Postal Mail or by phone: [email protected], 665 Franklin Ave NE, St. Cloud MN 56304 or 877.LINK.010 (877-546-5010).

The proposed changes would affect fares for Northstar Link routes 887, 887T, 887V and any special event service. Route 887F, which provides Friday mid-day service between St. Cloud, Becker and Northstar Stations between Big Lake and Minneapolis, is unaffected by the proposed changes. Travel on 887F would remain $5.50 for full cash fare or $3.25 for station-to-station travel.

Northstar Link proposed fares effective 6/2/14



Starting with the Home Opener April 7


ST. CLOUD –Northstar Commuter Bus will provide connecting service to the  Northstar Commuter Rail Line will provide service for all Twins baseball home games at Target Field.

Northstar Link bus service from St. Cloud or Becker is timed to connect with Northstar trains at Big Lake Station. After the game, at either the scheduled departure times, or thirty minutes after the end of the game, fans will be able to board the train to Big Lake and easily transfer to the connecting Northstar Link bus to complete the return trip to Becker or St. Cloud.

Bus rides cost between $1.25 and $1.75 one way and are paid for separately from the train ride.

Game schedules and train fare information are available at The MN Twins Northstar Link service is called route 887T. The 887T schedule is online at and is available on Link buses and Northstar trains.

More people enjoying cost-savings, stress-free commute by catching Northstar Link

ST. CLOUD — For the fourth consecutive year, people hopped on board the Northstar Link Commuter Bus in record numbers to travel the Highway 10 corridor between St. Cloud and Minneapolis. Link ridership grew 9.4 percent in 2013, with a total ridership of 55,213.

The Northstar Link Commuter Bus provides daily service to the Northstar Commuter Rail line’s Big Lake Station and serves most rail trips. Northstar trains primarily serve weekday commuters.

Northstar trains also serve some special events and all home Twins and Vikings games. Again in 2014, all Twins home games will have Northstar Link and train service.

The number of Northstar train commuters also grew in 2013. Ridership reached 787,239 in 2013, a 12 percent increase. Last year’s ridership was the highest in the line’s four-year history.

The top reasons people use Northstar Link are cost savings, stress-free travel and convenience, according to Stearns County Commissioner Leigh Lenzmeier, chair of the Northstar Corridor Development Authority. The authority is the group that oversees the Link.

“A majority of customers ride more than one day a week, too, which is helping slow the growth of congestion on highways 10 and 94,” Commissioner Lenzmeier said.

The Northstar Link is a multi-purpose mode of transportation, serving not just commuters but sports fans and students.

“It’s not uncommon to have Sunday evening buses full of students headed back to St. Cloud State University,” Commissioner Lenzmeier said.

Northstar Link provides one trip each week that is not tied to the train schedule. Northstar Link makes it possible to work a half day or make a short, leisurely trip on Fridays. The Fabulous Friday midday bus service starts in St. Cloud at 10:15 a.m. and ends in Minneapolis at 12:45 p.m., with stops in between at

Becker and all Northstar train stations, except Fridley. The bus leaves downtown Minneapolis and heads north at 1 p.m., following the same route.

Information on schedules and fares, which range from $1.25 to $5.50 one way, can be found at or by calling 877.LINK.010.